A schematic of the 19 CFE pan showing the holes in which each CFE will sit with a bearing. The pan will be completely filled with hydrogen from the moderator block channels. Some measurements, such as bearing size, are arbitrary and open to change in the final design. The pan will need to be properly sealed to prevent any leaking. As of the end of the fall semester, the pan concept proves to be adequate for transporting hydrogen into each CFE with a few necessary minor changes. These changes include the wall of the pan, which needs to be expanded outward.
A top-down schematic of the 19 CFE moderator block showing the various channels at equal distances from the surrounding CFEs in which the hydrogen will enter to travel to the pan. This pathway, ideally, should provide some cooling effects, though in the fall semester, heat analysis was not the main focus. Heat analysis of the CNTR concept, the channels, and the annulus regions of each CFE will be focused on in the spring semester.
A cut view of the hydrogen pathing from the inlet channels, down to the pan, then into the annulus regions. Due to the complexity of this concept, some values, such as pressure and flow velocity, remain unknown. Therefore, for CFD and proof of concept purposes, arbitrary values of 1000 m/s hydrogen inlets were given to prove the pan design works. The hydrogen fills the pan and enters the annulus region, where it accelerates to ~1800 m/s. At the top, choked flow occurs in the outer-most annulus regions due to the design of the pan.
A close-up of the choked flow in the outer-most CFE's annulus region. This occurs because the wall of the pan is too close for the hydrogen to properly enter the annulus region. At this point, the hydrogen enters the pan at 1000 m/s and, with the current design, must make a 180-degree turn in less than 4 mm.
A 3D render of the pan showing the wall that causes the choked flow. In the next designs, the wall will be expanded outwards to allow the hydrogen enough time to fill the pan before entering the outer annulus regions. Further CFD analysis using OpenFOAM will be conducted on the updated design in the spring semester.
For an in-depth analysis, see the following reports and presentations.